Everything You
Need To Know
About Kids Modelling

We are Australia’s leading modelling and talent agency


Kids Modelling

Ever wonder if your child has what it takes to succeed in the world of kids modelling? In fact, we’re guessing that every parent out there has looked at kids’ photos in magazines and thought ‘my kid can do that.’

The truth is that kids modelling is an exciting career choice for your child supermodel. It serves as a wonderful introduction to the world of fashion and entertainment, and with the right guidance, your child could realise that this is something they want to do when they are older.

So you see, it really is a career choice.


There’s always been a huge demand for child models. Whether it’s to help a brand promote their latest clothing line or to market the newest craze in the world of toys, kids modelling is great business.

In the years since we first opened our doors, we’ve noticed a steady increase in the number of children modelling jobs for the kids on our books. And since the world went digital and social media became one of the most lucrative marketing platforms, the industry has gathered pace.

Right now, every single brand providing child-related products or services needs child models. And you know what, even those that aren’t child-focused still need kids for their marketing campaigns. Think of all the major brands you’ve seen with a happy family in one of their ads.

To make it clear we’re saying that there has NEVER been a better time to join the kids modelling industry with a kids modelling agency.


Many people assume that to be a success in child
modelling, you need a certain look, but we’re here to tell
you that’s completely untrue.

Many people assume that to be a success in child modelling, you need a certain look, but we’re here to tell you that’s completely untrue.

Big brands and photographers alike want to see kids of all shapes and sizes. Hair colour, age, height, ethnicity – everything that makes your child a little different from his or her friends is something that a company may look at and think ‘that’s exactly what we’re after.’

However, it’s not just about their physical appearance.

Kids modelling can be a tough undertaking and requires focus and no small amount of effort. Your child may need to miss some school (they’ll love that!), and parents or guardians will need to spend a lot of their free time taking them to photoshoots and workshops.

This is why we look for kids with the right attitude and those that are genuinely interested in the world of kids modelling.

Combine that ‘right attitude’ with some hard work, and they could find themselves as the next face for a major brand’s advertising campaign. Yes, it’s entirely possible, but as we said, they need to work for it.

So what do you do if you think your child has an interest in kids modelling?

We’re glad you asked.


For a start, we’d love to hear from
you, so go right ahead and apply now
to join the BEST KIDS TALENT agency.

Make sure you fill out all the required information and don’t forget to send us a nice photo.

Once we receive your information, we’ll be in touch to let you know when our next open casting event takes place.

As you may know, we have offices in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, and represent talent in the Gold Coast and Perth, so we regularly host open casting events in each location.

You may be wondering why we don’t simply sign kids up once we have seen their photos and it’s a good question. The thing is we like to get a feel for how a child reacts to being in a studio environment. It’s also a good opportunity for us to meet with parents or guardians because they are hugely important to the success of their child’s career.

If all goes well and we sign your child up with the agency, we’ll arrange an in-house photoshoot so we can build that all-important portfolio. Once we have those photos, we can then let our clients know that we have a new child on our books.

You can check out our gallery or learn more about representation here.

We can’t guarantee work for any of the children on our books as it is the client who makes the final decision. However, we promise that we will put your child forward for any suitable kids modelling jobs that come along. And with our extensive list of clients, those opportunities will come along pretty quickly.

If you’ve made it all the way down here, we’re guessing that you’re really interested in kids modelling as a career for your child and modelling jobs. In which case, we’d love to hear from you.

So you know what to do; Apply now and let’s get this adventure started!

Still Got Some Questions?

Of course you do, and while we answer many questions
relating to working with us on our FAQ page, we’ve answered
some of the most common teen acting questions right here.

Not all kids are cut out for the modelling industry and believe it or not, it has nothing to do with looks. Photographers need kids who can take instructions easily and who are happy enough to work with other people. 

If you’d like to know if your kid would be a good fit, then the best thing to do is get in touch with us and we’ll set up an interview. 

That depends on a lot of factors and to be honest, we can’t tell you unless we know what a specific job entails. However, we will tell you that children are well paid for their time and that any payment is discussed with parents before a child goes to work. 

A good child model is one who can listen carefully to the photographer and follow instructions. Of course, all children get cranky from time to time, but generally speaking, they should be easy to talk to and understand that they are working and therefore need to be on their best behaviour. 

We have worked with just about every major brand and advertising company in Australia including Nike, Target, David Jones, and Disney. You can check out some of the other amazing clients we’ve worked with on our work page

Your child may need to take some time off now and then as shoots are often during school hours. However, this should have no effect on your child’s education. 

For more information, check out our guide on becoming a model without skipping school.

Of course it can. Quite a few of our former kid models have gone on to have successful careers as models. In fact, some of these models are now represented by our adult modelling agency Hunter Talent


At Bubblegum, we represent some of Australia’s brightest young stars, but even so, we’re always on the lookout for fresh new faces and talent.

If your child is aged anywhere from 3 months to 18 years of age, and you think they might have what it takes to shine in front of a camera or on stage, then we want to hear from you.

We’ll set up a quick informal chat where we’ll get a feel for your child’s suitability for working in the industry.

The lucky kids that make it onto our books benefit from in-house workshops and coaching sessions to help them brush up on their skills. They’ll also get great advice and tips from the Bubblegum team, some of whom have worked as child models and actors themselves! We’ll even arrange a portfolio shoot with our in-house photographer.

We want all the kids on our books to have their chance to shine and if that means working twice as hard to make it happen, then that’s what we’ll do!

Want to Join the exciting world of child acting and modelling?