What Do Baby Modelling Agents Look for in Baby Models


What Do Baby Modelling Agents Look for in Baby Models

Every baby is cute, and there’s no point in arguing otherwise. As far as baby modelling agents are concerned, it’s as plain as the dimples on Goldilocks’ face – ALL those little bundles of joy are as cute as a button. Baby models capture this universal charm and bring it to the world of advertising and fashion.

Now, you would think that would make our job easier, right?  We see a cute baby and sign them up on the spot. Unfortunately, the world of modelling doesn’t quite work that way, and so we have no choice but to look for a few more requirements in our baby models.

“But how can you choose one cute baby over another?” we hear you cry.

With great difficulty is the simple answer to that one.

In all seriousness though, in our many years in the industry, we’ve picked up a thing or two about what it takes to become a great baby model. And so we thought it would be nice to share our insights, so you mums and dads have a better idea of what to expect (and to dispel any doubts about your baby’s cuteness being a factor!)

So here they are – things that casting agents look for in a baby model.

A Bubbly Personality for Baby Models

Being photogenic is always a plus point in baby and child modelling, but personality can count for so much more. If your baby smiles a lot or is a curious little scamp that takes an interest in any toy you give them, then this is a huge step in the right direction.

This is a natural trait, and while all babies have their own lovely personalities, some are better suited to spending time in front of the camera. This is simply because their bubbly personality means that getting them to smile is no trouble at all which makes it easier to set up scenes for the camera.

The Perfect Combination of Cuteness and Character

Casting agents are drawn to babies who have that irresistible charm. A combination of big, expressive eyes, chubby cheeks, and a heart-melting smile can certainly capture attention. But it’s not just about looks; a baby’s personality plays a significant role too. Agents love babies who are naturally happy, curious, and comfortable around strangers and in new environments.

baby model casting

Friendliness to Strangers

What? Friendliness to who now?

Yes, it might sound a little crazy to encourage your baby to be happy in the arms of a stranger, but that’s what’s going to happen at auditions and shoots. With that in mind, we look for babies that don’t get too upset when a stranger holds them and who might even smile at anyone who interacts with them.

In an audition, a casting director might take the baby into another room just to see if they can keep the little one happy when mum or dad is not around. This is why it’s really important that we make sure that any baby (and parent) we sign up can handle this. You’ll always required to be around with bubba, but you won’t always be holding the little one.

Unique Features

In 2024, diversity and individuality are more celebrated than ever. Unique features that set your baby apart can be a huge advantage. Whether it’s striking hair, an adorable birthmark, or distinct eye colour, these traits can make your baby memorable to casting agents and clients alike.

Expressiveness and Reactivity

Casting agents look for babies who can express a range of emotions and reactions. Babies who are naturally expressive—who smile, laugh, and show curiosity—are more likely to be noticed. During a photoshoot, a baby’s ability to react to prompts and engage with the camera can make all the difference.

Good Temperament

A calm and adaptable temperament is crucial. Babies who are easy-going and can handle the sometimes hectic nature of photoshoots will have a smoother experience. Agents appreciate babies who can remain cheerful and cooperative, even with bright lights and bustling environments.

Engagement with Parents

Engagement with Parents

Believe it or not, how a baby interacts with their parents can also be a factor. Casting agents often observe how babies engage with their parents and respond to their cues. A strong, positive bond can indicate that the baby will be cooperative and happy during the shoot.


This is a major obstacle we encounter on a regular basis, and so it’s something that we must double check with every parent who brings their baby to us. If mum and dad are both working, then who will bring the baby to casting auditions or shoots?

If one parent stays at home full time, then we also need to make sure that there aren’t too many other commitments that may affect their availability. Are there siblings in the house that need to come along to auditions? We ask these questions so that parents can decide for themselves if they can indeed manage the extra workload.

baby model casting

A Parent with the Right Mindset for Baby Models

Yes, we may be looking for baby models but how the parent interacts with us is just as important as the baby’s cuteness and personality. After all, it’s the parent who will take baby to auditions and shoots, and it’s the parent who may need to help out when the going gets tough (and baby gets grumpy!)

So when we bring a baby and parent in for a chat, we love to see enthusiasm from mum or dad. And if the parent isn’t the right fit, then we’ll turn down baby even if they would be perfect for an upcoming shoot.

And believe it or not, when we turn down a baby for this reason, we’re actually doing both the baby and parent a favour. If a parent isn’t excited at the prospect of having their baby’s photos in a magazine, then the chances are they’ll find auditions and shoots a chore. And we don’t want anyone that works with us to feel unhappy doing so.

As you can see, the life of a baby modelling casting agent isn’t quite as easy as it seems. Picking out cute babies is easy (hint – they’re all cute) but finding one that has the right personality and who can handle being held by strangers is a little more difficult.

Think your baby has what it takes to make it onto the cover of a magazine? Then get in touch today because we love chatting with new parents. Just make sure that you have some nice photos of baby to share with us!


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At Bubblegum, we represent some of Australia’s brightest young stars, but even so, we’re always on the lookout for fresh new faces and talent.

If your child is aged anywhere from 3 months to 18 years of age, and you think they might have what it takes to shine in front of a camera or on stage, then we want to hear from you.

We’ll set up a quick informal chat where we’ll get a feel for your child’s suitability for working in the industry.

The lucky kids that make it onto our books benefit from in-house workshops and coaching sessions to help them brush up on their skills. They’ll also get great advice and tips from the Bubblegum team, some of whom have worked as child models and actors themselves! We’ll even arrange a portfolio shoot with our in-house photographer.

We want all the kids on our books to have their chance to shine and if that means working twice as hard to make it happen, then that’s what we’ll do!

Want to Join the exciting world of child acting and modelling?