Bubblegum Wants to Help You Film Your Self Tape

how to do a self tape audition

Bubblegum Wants to Help You Film Your Self Tape

You know what we really love to see from our child actors?

Self tapes, or what some of you may know as self tests.

And why is that?

Because they’re awesome for everyone involved.

For a young child actor, it’s an opportunity to audition no matter where you are. You don’t need to travel anywhere, and you can schedule your self-tape to suit you. But best of all, if your first effort is awful, you can just do it all over again. Magic, right?

For casting directors, it gives them an opportunity to see more actors than they can usually fit into a day or two of live auditions. It’s also a great way to introduce different types of child actor to a director without wasting too much of their valuable time.

For directors and producers, it makes the whole kids casting process so much more efficient. They can narrow down their choices and only meet the actors they feel have a genuine shot at landing the role.

how to do a good self tape

So it should come as no surprise that we’re getting more and more client requests for self tapes. In fact, requests for self tapes are now almost as common as requests for updated snapshots of your child. 

With all of this in mind, we think it’s recording a general self tape is something that every child actor should now consider. 

Last year we wrote an extensive guide on filming a self test that rocks. We got some great feedback from the kids on our books (particularly the teens) who said that shooting a general self tape helped them feel more comfortable in front of the camera. 

But we also heard that some children (and parents) were still a little worried about how their self tape turned out. Would it be good enough to impress a casting director and have them land a job with a kids or  teen casting?

self tape acting

We totally understand their worry and if we’re honest, it’s a good point. Casting directors see so many self tapes each and every day that a badly filmed tape likely won’t impress. 

Now, before you hit the panic button and start looking at expensive camera equipment to take your self tape game up a notch, listen to what we have planned.  

The Self Tape Workshop

Yes, that’s right. You asked and we’ve delivered. 

We’re happy to announce that we’re running a self tape workshop. 

This will be the perfect chance for you to ask all those questions you have about filming an awesome self tape. 

You’ll learn what makes a great recording and what little mistakes can turn a wonderful one into something memorable for all the wrong reasons. 

You’ll also learn exactly what it is that casting directors are often on the lookout for and what goes into capturing a winning performance. 

In short, it’s everything you’ll ever need to know about filming a self tape. 

But you know we don’t do things by half here at Bubblegum so, of course, this is no ordinary workshop. 

how to make a self tape

Once we’ve gone through the dos and don’ts of filming, we’ll give each child one to one coaching as they sit and record their own self tape right here in our studio. 

And no, we’re not doing the recording ourselves. We’ve gone ahead and booked a professional videographer for the day who will make sure that the lighting, background, and sound are perfect for your self tape. 

Each child will spend 15 minutes with the videographer which will be more than enough time to film the perfect self test. 

The cost for the workshop is set at $130 which is a steal considering that you’ll walk away with some great inside tips on how to film a memorable self test and you’ll have that professionally filmed recording in your back pocket!


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At Bubblegum, we represent some of Australia’s brightest young stars, but even so, we’re always on the lookout for fresh new faces and talent.

If your child is aged anywhere from 3 months to 18 years of age, and you think they might have what it takes to shine in front of a camera or on stage, then we want to hear from you.

We’ll set up a quick informal chat where we’ll get a feel for your child’s suitability for working in the industry.

The lucky kids that make it onto our books benefit from in-house workshops and coaching sessions to help them brush up on their skills. They’ll also get great advice and tips from the Bubblegum team, some of whom have worked as child models and actors themselves! We’ll even arrange a portfolio shoot with our in-house photographer.

We want all the kids on our books to have their chance to shine and if that means working twice as hard to make it happen, then that’s what we’ll do!

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