Common Mistakes Made at Auditions and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes Made at Auditions and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes Made at Auditions and How to Avoid Them

If your child is pursuing the exciting path of becoming an actor or model there will be lots of things to learn along the way. The kids’ auditions process is taken just as seriously as it is for adults. There are certain ways things are done, some of which you might not be aware of.

If you and your child are new to the procedure surrounding the business of acting, modelling and auditions – or even if you’re not – you could be in danger of committing any number of the most common mistakes made at auditions.

These errors are common for a reason – they’re easily made – especially if you’re somewhat new to the business of child auditions.

Some small mistakes may not seem like such a big deal but could end up costing your child a role they want. If you’re worried, don’t be, we’re here to help.

To learn how to help your child improve their auditioning abilities and increase their chances of getting that all-important job, read on for our guide to the most common audition mistakes, how to avoid them, and audition tips to make every casting go exactly the way you want it to.

The Most Common Mistakes Made at Auditions

Whether your child is an aspiring actor or model, there are some general rules it’s good to follow when going to either type of audition. Help them to feel more confident in any casting situation by avoiding these common mistakes.

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1. Being Late

From time to time, everyone can run a little late. Especially when getting kids ready is involved. You’re only human. But we can’t stress enough the importance of being prompt and punctual when it comes to an audition.

Arriving late, even if it’s only by a few minutes, will send completely the wrong message to those conducting the casting. It will make it seem as though this is an opportunity you don’t take seriously, and that you don’t value the casting director’s time, even if this is not the case. If you and your child arrive late to an audition, it is setting a bad precedent. First impressions are so important, and if you don’t arrive on time, you may get a reputation for being unreliable, which could damage your child’s hopes of getting future jobs, too.

2. Forgetting Your Portfolio or Resume

One thing your child should always have when attending an audition is their portfolio, headshots and a copy of their resume. These are a great way to highlight their experience, show off different looks and showcase their talents.

Although nowadays much of this information is exchanged online, ahead of auditions, it is good practice to always have a couple of copies of these things with you, as well. On the off chance that a casting director should ask for them, you don’t want to be caught off guard!

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3. Not Taking it Seriously Enough

Although it’s important for children taking part in auditions to be happy and relaxed, you should also stress to them that this is, in essence, a job interview. As such, a certain level of professionalism is expected.

Make sure to let your child know they should be on their very best behaviour. They should be courteous and engaged towards everyone with whom they interact. Temper tantrums or rudeness are big no-nos in auditions, so try to ensure they are in a good mood before the audition is set to begin.

4. Not Being Properly Prepared

When attending any type of audition, it is of the utmost importance to come prepared. This means having a portfolio at the ready, and, in an acting audition, having a monologue memorised.

If you and your child arrive at an audition without having done your research about what the process will entail and what the job is for, you run the risk of looking unprofessional. Not only that, but this can also lead to unnecessary time-wasting, which isn’t good for anyone.

For a more in-depth look at how best to prepare for an audition, check out our comprehensive guide on the subject.

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5. Bringing Too Many People Along

One common mistake those who are new to the auditioning process tend to make is to bring too many extra people along.

It’s completely natural for friends and family members to be excited about this new chapter in your child’s life, and everything that goes along with it. However, it’s important to remember, once again, that an audition is a job interview. Therefore, the same rules that apply to job interviews apply here, too.

A child must have a parent or guardian with them when attending an audition, but one person is generally enough. Too many people will cause confusion and undermine the professionalism of the process.

6. Not Believing in Yourself

Becoming a successful child actor or model requires a certain amount of confidence. Generally speaking, children who gravitate towards these industries tend to thrive in the limelight and enjoy being the centre of attention. However, auditions, especially those that are unsuccessful, can sometimes cause aspiring actors to cast doubt on themselves.

You should prepare your child for the probability that they will face rejection over the course of their career. This is a normal part of the road to becoming an actor or model, and it doesn’t mean they should believe in themselves any less. Successful auditions are built upon charisma, confidence and self-belief. Make sure your child is self-assured and ready to put their best foot forward – before and after each and every audition.

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7. Being a Bundle of Nerves

For both parent and child, auditions can be a nerve-wracking experience. Especially for those who are relatively new to the world of acting or modelling. It’s natural to get nervous, but it’s important for your child to try to channel those nerves in a positive way.

If your child is so scared and anxious that they can’t get out their lines, it won’t be a good sign to those conducting the audition. One way to combat nerves is to make sure you talk them through exactly what the audition process will entail. It’s also important to practice lines regularly. If your child knows their lines well and understands exactly what they should do in the audition setting, they’re less likely to be overcome by nerves.

8. Walking Out in the Middle of an Audition

Just because your child has aspirations of becoming an actor or model, that doesn’t mean they’re not still a kid. Children can be unpredictable and have sudden changes in mood. They can often be forgetful, or unsure of how to act in a given situation. This can be especially true in the case of children that are on the younger side.

Having said all of this, it’s important to note that no matter what, you should try to ensure your child doesn’t run out in the middle of an audition. Try to make sure your child is aware of how important it is to finish the audition fully. Stopping in the middle of a scene or leaving in the middle of an audition could make them seem undependable and difficult to work with.

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9. Wearing Completely the Wrong Thing

Clothing choices are another factor which may seem inconsequential, but which can actually end up having a big impact on how an audition will go. It can be difficult to know how exactly to dress your child, but following a few simple rules of thumb should help.

Try to keep it simple. Nothing too fussy or flashy, as this can be distracting or at worst, unprofessional. Make sure they’re comfortable in what they’re wearing, if they’re not, this may come across in their performance.

Finally, it’s advisable to avoid jewellery or makeup. Your child is still a child, after all, and they’re being cast as such. Try to keep it natural and keep it age-appropriate.

10. Choosing the Wrong Monologue

Monologues are one of the best ways for any actor to showcase their acting chops at an audition. But a lot goes into choosing a suitable monologue. Especially for child actors.

A monologue should be long enough to showcase your child’s acting ability, but not too long. Something under 2 minutes is generally best. Make sure it’s something your child knows well, as the last thing you want is for them to forget their lines mid-audition.

Help them to pick a monologue that they like to perform and feel comfortable with. A sense of confidence will translate in their audition, whereas something they’re unsure of may cause them to seem like a worse actor than they actually are.

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11. Being Too Harsh on Yourself

Some auditions will go great, others, not so much. There will be successes and failures along the way. When the setbacks do occur, it’s important for your child to regroup, move on in a way that’s constructive and not get too down on themselves.

Bad auditions are part and parcel of being an actor and being a model – this means that it does happen even in kids acting and kids modelling alike.  Sometimes, there may be something your child could have possibly done better, and sometimes it’s simply just the luck of the draw. It’s important to let your child know they shouldn’t be too hard on themselves when auditions don’t go their way.The best thing they can do in this situation is to pick themselves up and move on to the next opportunity.

A Few Easy Ways to Avoid These Mistakes

A great audition is just as much about what you do as what you don’t do. Now that we’ve seen what kind of behaviours you and your child should avoid, here are some tips on what you can do to make sure your auditions always go great on your end.

Practice Makes Perfect

It may seem obvious, but regular practice is one of the best things your child can do to nail every audition. Practising lines is, of course, something they should be doing all the time. But there are also other little things you can run through with your child, especially if they’re younger, to make auditions run more smoothly.

If you’ve never been to an audition before, talk to your child’s agency about what the process entails. Once you know exactly what’s going to happen, you can run through the whole thing with them. From greeting those hosting the casting to any special requests the director might have, a quick run-through ahead of time can minimise all kinds of common mistakes.

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Remember to Have Fun

As we said above, auditions do demand a certain level of professionalism. However, you should also make sure it’s a fun experience for all involved. The last thing you want is for your child to be stiff, wooden or acting much older than their age.

While it is important for them to be polite, they should also let their personality shine through. At the end of the day, your child is attending auditions because it’s something they enjoy. So try to keep the experience as light and fun as possible.

The Best Way to Avoid Common Audition Mistakes

One of the simplest ways to avoid common mistakes made at auditions? Enlist the help of a Kids Talent Agency. If your child wants to begin to go on auditions with the hopes of becoming an actor or model, the best thing you can do is to work with someone who knows the industry inside and out.

If you think your child has what it takes to ace auditions and carve out a career for themselves in the world of acting or modelling, why not fill out an application form today. And feel free to contact us with any queries you may have.

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At Bubblegum, we represent some of Australia’s brightest young stars, but even so, we’re always on the lookout for fresh new faces and talent.

If your child is aged anywhere from 3 months to 18 years of age, and you think they might have what it takes to shine in front of a camera or on stage, then we want to hear from you.

We’ll set up a quick informal chat where we’ll get a feel for your child’s suitability for working in the industry.

The lucky kids that make it onto our books benefit from in-house workshops and coaching sessions to help them brush up on their skills. They’ll also get great advice and tips from the Bubblegum team, some of whom have worked as child models and actors themselves! We’ll even arrange a portfolio shoot with our in-house photographer.

We want all the kids on our books to have their chance to shine and if that means working twice as hard to make it happen, then that’s what we’ll do!

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