Where to Upload Photos for Modeling


Child Modeling Agencies: Where to Upload Photos for Modeling

The journey for aspiring models starts in finding the right modeling agency. They provide the stepping stones needed to help you get into photoshoots. More so if you want your child to be in a nice photo, such as a magazine spread or a billboard.

Getting accepted in child modeling agencies would have you prepare their best shots. You need to prepare a portfolio but where should you send it?

Today, we will look at where to upload those photos online. We will also look at other pointers in setting up a photo portfolio.

Sending Photos by Email

One way you can send your photo is by email. In this case, check for the contact details of the child modeling agency you wish to apply to.

This method has a useful means of uploading modeling photos. This is due to how you can attach these files as part of your message.

In doing this, make sure to follow the requirements and guidelines that the agency put up. This includes the contact details of both the child and the parent. Once you have all the needed requirements, go ahead and send the application.

hand holding a phone_Agency website registration

Sending Photos on Agency Website

The email setup would be an effective means to send your child’s application. Though you can also consider checking out the agency’s website directly.

This helps you see where to upload child modeling photos. The good thing about this is that there is a setup where you can accomplish this without any hassle.

For instance, you can check this out for model applications. It comes with the requirements for applying as a model for the agency. This also includes the fields where you can fill up your contact information as the parent or guardian and sections where you can fill the information for the aspiring child model.

Once you have all the necessary details, press Submit. Your application will go to the modeling agency.

They would notify you once they receive the application. There would also be some instructions to follow to see if your child qualifies.

Using Social Media

Going for Social Media may seem to be a great option. This would work out as a way to become a model through social media websites such as Instagram.

This approach tends to be the route for independent models and influencers. Something that would be more fitting for older adults.

For children, it would still be a better option to have your applications sent out to the agency. Either through their website or by email.

This way, you can be sure that the agency would look through the application without any problems. Starting model can try their chances through the application process. This way, they can test how well they do before going for social media.

BC Social Media Actors and Models

Visiting the Agency In-Person

When you have all your photos sorted out and you haven’t placed the application online due to other factors, you can always go to the agency in person. You will need the address of their office as this helps you when going in person. Take note of the requirements as well, this lets you get an idea of how to conduct the application.

In case you go for an in-person application, don’t forget to take the needed precautions. More so when going outside.

Make sure to practice social distancing and proper sanitation. This also includes other safety protocols.

Preparing the Portfolio

Portfolios compile your previous works into a single compilation, allowing agencies and other prospective clients to see what you have to offer. This also applies to starting models both young and old. You need a portfolio for the best shots taken, which shows the charm and style that the model offers.

To do this, you need to compile some good photos that show their best features. You can do this yourself using any camera that can capture a clear image. In case you find your skills lacking or you prefer to get the best output in a photo, you can have a professional photographer take the picture for you.

kid holding a polaroid camera_agency photoshoot pointers

Pointers in What Photos to Take

When preparing your photos for the portfolio, one piece of advice that you should take to heart is to go for something simple. Do not go for the over-posed and make sure to not include any props.

Keeping makeup at the minimum would be a better setup. This allows the agency to see their natural features. Doing this allows them to see how flexible the model can be in different fashion styles and such.

You can also check out these detailed pointers to know what child modeling agencies want for their applications. This includes pointers on what to include and exclude in the photo.


The Step-by-Step in Sending Photos

Once you have the photos in the portfolio ready, it’s time to send those photos and have them uploaded. We mentioned earlier the best channels where to upload model photos to. Now, with those in hand, we look at how you can send them over.

First, check the agencies you plan to apply to and look at their submission requirements. These would include application forms on the spot, or you can check their contact information, such as an email address.

Once you have those details noted down, make sure to have the additional info included in your portfolio. This includes the model’s name, age, and other bits of vital information. This includes their height and measurements, as well as contact information. After which, may send the application to the agency.

how to submit my child for modeling

Make a Great Start in Child Modeling Agencies Today

Knowing where and how to send your photo portfolio is a great start to being part of child modeling agencies. It opens opportunities for them to try out new things and be the fact that people will adore.

If your child has all it takes and wants to take a break in modeling, you can start applying today. You can also contact us today for any inquiries and comments.


Pop in your Name and Email now to unlock the Ultimate Guide to Modelling and empower your child with the tools for unparalleled success!

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At Bubblegum, we represent some of Australia’s brightest young stars, but even so, we’re always on the lookout for fresh new faces and talent.

If your child is aged anywhere from 3 months to 18 years of age, and you think they might have what it takes to shine in front of a camera or on stage, then we want to hear from you.

We’ll set up a quick informal chat where we’ll get a feel for your child’s suitability for working in the industry.

The lucky kids that make it onto our books benefit from in-house workshops and coaching sessions to help them brush up on their skills. They’ll also get great advice and tips from the Bubblegum team, some of whom have worked as child models and actors themselves! We’ll even arrange a portfolio shoot with our in-house photographer.

We want all the kids on our books to have their chance to shine and if that means working twice as hard to make it happen, then that’s what we’ll do!

Want to Join the exciting world of child acting and modelling?